# Features Overview

# A Feature

A Feature is an action that a user or client can request to the application (e.g. OrderPlace, UserList, ProductShow, OrderDiscount, etc)

# Naming

A Feature is named: {FeatureGroup}{Action}:

Feature Group Action Feature Name
Orders Place OrderPlace
Orders Discount OrderDiscount
Products Show ProductShow

# Location

Miru organizes features using Feature Folders:

Features are located in /src/{AppName}/Features/{FeatureName}.cs

Instead of group files by artifact type (e.g. Controllers, ViewModels, Views, etc), it is grouped by Feature. Every artifact related to the Feature goes inside the Feature's folder:

# Structure

A Feature is a class named after its Feature Group and Action. For example, Place an Order:

public class OrderPlace

A Feature can have many components (e.g. Query, Command, Handler, Validator, Controller, Mailable, Job, etc). All these components can be placed inside the class as subclasses:

public class OrderPlace
    public class Command

    public class Handler

    public class Controller

    public class Mailable

    public class Query

# Request & Response

Every Feature must have a Request class that represents the input data to be handled. Miru uses MediatR, which contains an IRequest interface to represent a request.

In this example, OrderPlace doesn't return a response:

public class OrderPlace
    public class Command : IRequest

When a Feature return information, the IRequest needs to be of a TResponse:

public class OrderShow
    public class Query : IRequest<Result>

    public class Result

# Feature Types

A Feature's Request can be a Query, to ask for information, or a Command, to change some information.

# Query

Query is a Request that ask the application for some data without making changes:

public class OrderShow
    public class Query : IRequest<Result>
        public long OrderId { get; set; }

# Command

Command is a Request that changes data in the application:

public class OrderApplyDiscount
    public class Command
        public long OrderId { get; set; }
        public decimal Discount { get; set; }

# Mediator

The Mediator from MediatR, is the object responsible to receive an IRequest and find its Handler passing through a pipeline of Behaviors.

await _mediator.Send(new OrderPlace
    Customer = customer,
    Items = items

If the IRequest returns a Response:

var result = await _mediator.Send(new OrderShow
    Id = orderId

# Handler

A Handler is an object that will process the Request:

public class OrderApplyDiscount
    public class Command : IRequest
        public long OrderId { get; set; }
        public decimal Discount { get; set; }

    public class Handler : IRequestHandler<Command, Unit>
        private readonly DbContext _db;

        public Handler(DbContext db)
            _db = db;

        public async Task<Unit> Handle(Command command, CancellationToken ct)
            var order = await _db.Orders.ByIdAsync(command.OrderId);


            return Unit.Value;

# Other Handlers

Depending of the concern and the library being used, is possible to add other Handlers. An example within Miru is Validation:

Not Found: D:\Projects\Miru/samples/Mong/src/Mong/Features/Accounts/AccountLogin.cs

# Create A Feature

A Feature can be created using miru make:feature. It's required to choose one of these templates:

Template Flag Description
New --new Add an Entity
Edit --edit Retrieve to edit an Entity
Show --show Show an Entity
List --list List Entities
All above --all Creates new, edit, show, and list
miru make:feature Orders Order New --new

The files that will be created depends on the template type. For example, --new creates these files:

  • /src/{AppName}/Features/Orders/OrderNew.cs
  • /src/{AppName}/Features/Orders/New.cshtml
  • /src/{AppName}/Features/Orders/_New_.js.cshtml
  • /tests/{AppName}.Tests/Features/Orders/OrderNewTest.cs
  • /tests/{AppName}.PageTests/Pages/Orders/OrderNewPageTest.cs

# Create All Actions

To create at once all actions (new, edit, show, list) for a Feature, use miru make:feature:all:

miru make:feature:all Products Product