# Getting Started



Miru will be in alpha state while version is 0.*

It's not recommended to use it in production yet.

This documentation is a draft. It will be filled with more information as Miru goes towards version 1.0 in the end of 2022.

# Installing

Miru has two major components:

  • Miru.dll: the library to reference in your project
  • Miru.Cli: the shell client to support your coding

# Requirements

# Installing Miru.Cli

Install Miru.Cli. At any directory, run:

dotnet tool install Miru.Cli -g

Check the installed version using:

miru --version

# Updating Miru.Cli

dotnet tool update Miru.Cli -g

# Creating a new solution

Using shell, go to your projects directory and run:

miru new SolutionName

It will create the basic directory structure named SolutionName

# Preparing solution to run

Using shell, go to SolutionName directory.

You will need to install npm libraries, bundle javascript and css, compile .net solution, run the db migration:

miru app npm install
miru app npm run dev
dotnet build
miru storage.link
miru db.migrate

Now you are ready to run the application:

miru app dotnet run

# Dependencies

Some of the amazing libraries and frameworks Miru uses:

  • .NET 6
  • ASP.NET MVC Core
  • MediatR,
  • EFCore
  • FluentMigrator
  • FluentValidation
  • HtmlTags
  • FluentEmail
  • Serilog
  • Hangfire
  • Bootstrap
  • Laravel Mix
  • Hotwire Turbo
  • Hotwire Stimulus.js