# Storage

Miru comes with a concept called Storage.

# Storage Directory Structure

Relative Path Description git
/storage Storage root commit
/storage/assets Files required for the Application to run properly commit
/storage/assets/public Files that will be exposed on the webserver (wwwroot/public) commit
/storage/app Directory where the Application can save user's files ignore
/storage/db Directory where some database can be stored ignore
/storage/temp Temporary files that can be deleted from time to time ignore
/storage/logs Where the Application save logs ignore
/storage/tests Replicates the same structure of /storage but for Testing. It is erased before a test is run ignore

# High Level Paths

Miru's Storage's design provides a way to use High Level Paths in your application. Instead of using _storage.App / "invoices" / $"invoice-{invoice.Id}.pdf" you can use _storage.App.InvoicePdf(invoice).

Create a class MiruPathExtensions and add methods for you Application's files/directories:

public static class MiruPathExtensions
    public static MiruPath InvoicePdf(this MiruPath path, Invoice invoice) =>
        path / "invoices" / $"invoice-{invoice.Id}.pdf";

In your Features' Handlers or other services, you use your High Level Paths through IStorage's App property:

public class Handler : IRequestHandler<Query, Result>
    private readonly AppDbContext _db;
    private readonly IStorage _storage;

    public Handler(AppDbContext db, IStorage storage)
        _db = db;
        _storage = storage;
    public async Task<Command> Handle(Query request, CancellationToken ct)
        var invoice = await _db.Invoices.ByIdAsync(request.OrderId, ct);
        var invoicePath = _storage.App.InvoicePdf(invoice);
        return new Result
            InvoicePath = invoicePath

Since the High Level Paths are extensions of MiruPath class, you can use your custom paths in other storage's directories:

var tempInvoice = _storage.Temp().InvoicePdf(invoice);

var customDirInvoice = (_storage.StorageDir / "custom").InvoicePdf(invoice);

# Consolables

Since all Application's assets are saved into /storage/assets and the Web Application's static assets are mapped in /src/{App}/wwwroot, we can create a symlink between /storage/assets/public and /src/{App}/wwwroot/public using storage.link command:

miru storage.link