# Controllers & Routing

Miru's Controllers are standard ASP.NET MVC Controllers.

In Miru projects though, Controllers are very thin layers responsible to receive an input, call the Mediator, and send the output. It also can specify the Route Pattern.

They are located as subclass inside its Feature in /src/{App}/Features/{Feature}.cs:

public class DonationNew : IMustBeAuthenticated
  public class DonationsController : MiruController
    public async Task<Command> New(Query query) => await SendAsync(query);

    [HttpPost, Route("/Projects/{ProjectId:long}/Donations/New")]
    public async Task<Result> New(Command command) => await SendAsync(command);

# Url To Features

On the application startup, Miru scans all Controllers making a map of Controller's Actions Route vs Feature. With this map, is possible to find the right Url given a Feature type or instance.

For example, in this Feature:

public class TopupNew : IMustBeAuthenticated
    public class Query : IRequest<Command>
      public string Phone { get; set; }

    public class TopupsController : MiruController
      public async Task<Command> New(Query request) => await SendAsync(request);

Url can be found doing this:

// Url: /Topups/New

Url.For(new Query { Phone = "1234-5678" })) 
// Url: /Topups/New?Phone=1234-5678