# Javascript, Css & Assets

To manage frontend assets, Miru comes with npm for packages management and webpack with Laravel Mix for bundling.

# npm

By default, Miru has /src/{App}/package.json with some packages already specified.

To make sure they are installed, run:

miru app npm install

# Resources

Miru comes with /src/{App}/resources directory where scripts, stylesheets, and assets should be placed:

# Javascript

Javascript files can be placed in /src/{App}/resources/js. ES2015 syntax is supported.

By default, the main file is /src/{App}/resources/js/app.js where others modules can be imported:

import 'bootstrap'
import 'miru-core/dist/miru-rails'

import './your-file.js'

# Css

Stylesheet files can be placed in /src/{App}/resources/sass. Sass and Css are supported.

By default, the main file is /src/{App}/resources/js/app.sass where others modules can be imported:

@import 'variables';

@import '~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap';

# Assets

Other assets as fonts, images, and others, can also be placed at /src/{App}/resources in their respective directories.

# Bundling

Bundling is made by Webpack through Laravel Mix.

The bundling configuration is placed in /src/{App}/webpack.mix.js:

By default, bundled files are copied in /src/{App}/wwwroot, which is the directory exposed public by ASP.NET Host:

const mix = require('laravel-mix')

mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'wwwroot/js')
    .sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'wwwroot/css')

# Bundle

To bundle after any change in resources directory, run:

miru app npm run dev

You can also keep webpack running watching for changes and bundle automatically:

miru app npm run watch

# Consuming

Once all assets are bundled in /src/{App}/wwwroot, they can be referenced in the Views:

<script mix-src="/js/app.js" defer></script>
<link mix-href="/css/app.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Note the tags mix-src and mix-href. They will check if Laravel Mix Versioning is being used.

# Packages

By default, Miru comes with these packages: