# Arrange

The Arrange part of a test case can be quite complex to setup. For example:

  • Run schema changes
  • Clean the database
  • Clean caches and sessions
  • Clean directories
  • Create basic seed data (e.g. users)
  • Create the test scenario (e.g. entities, mocks returns, and etc)

Miru makes the Arrange part a bit easy.

Most of all features presented in this article can be configured globally

# Infrastructure

By default, Miru comes configured to arrange infrastructure services, like database, files, etc:

public static void TestingDefault(this TestRunConfig run)
    run.BeforeSuite(_ =>

    run.BeforeCase(_ =>

This configuration is applied globally

Miru uses Respawn to clean the database.

# Fabrication

Arranging objects like Entities or Requests can be time-consuming and verbose. Miru comes with a module called Fabrication which makes it easy to create these objects with some real-world fake data using Bogus.

Create these objects can be done through Make and MakeMany:

// arrange
var owner = _.Make<User>();

// Owner:
// Display: Leopoldo30@gmail.com
// Email: Leopoldo30@gmail.com
// Name: Elinor

var project = _.Make<Project>(m => m.User = owner);

// Project:
// Name: Tianna
// Description: Magni nisi animi rem quis quibusdam. Sapiente quod eum. Vitae...
// User:
//   Display: Leopoldo30@gmail.com
//   Email: Leopoldo30@gmail.com
//   Name: Elinor
// Goal: 83
// TotalDonations: 169
// Category:
//   Name: Violet
// IsActive: true
// ...

# Configuring

It's possible to configure conventions for how Fabricator make objects. The configurations are set at /tests/{AppName.Tests}/{AppName}Fabricator.cs:

public class SupportreonFabricator : Fabricator
    public SupportreonFabricator(FabSupport context) : base(context)
        Fixture.AddConvention(conv =>
              .IfPropertyIs<Project>(p => p.MinimumDonation)
              .Use(f => f.Finance.Amount(max: 10));

In the code above, f inside method Use is a Faker object from Bogus. It allows generating random quite realistic data.

var project = _.Make<Project>();

// Projects:
// - Name: Earlene
//   MinimumDonation: 9.83
// - Name: Rigoberto
//   MinimumDonation: 8.82
// - Name: Uriah
//   MinimumDonation: 8.76

# Making

To make objects Make and MakeMany methods can be used:

var project = _.Make<Project>();

// Can set properties:
var admin = _.Make<User>(m => m.IsAdmin = true);

// Create 2 users:
var users = _.MakeMany<User>(2, m => m.IsAdmin = false);

# Your Extensions

Arranging the same thing a lot of times can get repetitive and verbose. When this happens, you can create Extensions Methods for TestFixture.

For example, some tests need to fabricate an User, save, and login:

// arrange
var user = _.Make<User>();
await _.SaveAsync(user);

Can be replaced with:

// arrange
var user = _.MakeSavingLogin<User>();

The Extension Method looks like this:

public static TUser MakeSavingLogin<TUser>(this ITestFixture fixture, TUser user) 
  where TUser : class, IUser
    MiruTest.Log.Debug(() => $"Saving: {user}");

    return user;